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Sexually Frustrated When Lyssa Sleeps Over – Mad Chaos: November 1, 1997

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Lyssa Sleeps Over

Today once again was a confusing one. 

Lyssa stayed over my house last night.  Things were going fine.  But then it started to go downhill in my mind.  Lyssa was real tired I have to admit. 

We shaved my legs together, something I’ve wanted to do. 

From there we watched a little television and then went to sleep.  Both of us didn’t feel like sleeping so we made it a night.

Angry At Making All The Moves

I started to get angry.  It seemed that I would be the only one trying sexually, like she was just sitting there waiting for me to pleasure.  When I would want to be pleasured she wouldn’t and make it out as if she was tired. 

I’d take that answer.  Then I’d pleasure her again.  All of a sudden she wasn’t tired again.  That pissed me off a bit. 

Then when we went to sleep I was waiting for Lyssa to at least put her arm around me.

Cold Shoulder From Lyssa All Night

Last night unto today she slept with her back to me.  Waiting all night for her to at least put her hand around me, she didn’t.  I had to put her hand there in the morning.  Then we got it on. 

Very upset, she had a shower.  I tuned out by listening to my music loud to keep me sane.  She would talk to me every now and again.  I’d try to act normal.  She couldn’t tell.

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Second diary entry for November 1, 1997. Imad Spreads Rumors,…