group of police squad in riot gear standing in a row holding shields while protecting against vaccine free protesters

The Call Of Duty To Triple Vaccinate

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In Australia, New South Wales recorded 30,825 COVID cases and 25 deaths today, with 60 COVID deaths nationally.  

Western Australia’s Indefinite Border Suspension

Tonight, as I soldiered on through work on the diary, I listened to news reports in the background.

I heard that Western Australia had gone into another lockdown.  The Western Australian state border had been suspended indefinitely amid the Omicron spread.  Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan now requires that people be triple-dose vaccinated in order to travel interstate or back to Western Australia.

People that were already double-dose vaccinated had booked airplane tickets and made plans to return to Western Australia, only for the Western Australian government to suddenly come out with a requirement for people to have had three vaccine doses in order to travel from one state to another state. How would the double-dose vaccinated Australian feel?

You would have to be completely bonkers to continue to go along with a state government like Western Australia.  Like, God man!  In order to leave your own state or come back to your own state, you have to obey the government three times!

Calls To Duty In Australian History

I have been an Australian-born citizen for over forty years now.  I can’t remember a time in my life at all where the Australian government has called on me to do something for them.  

This overreach from Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan made me wonder, if historically Australians have ever been called to duty, and under what premise?

You can argue that childhood vaccination is a call of duty from the Australian government to its citizens. But as a child I never provided consent to be vaccinated or not vaccinated.  I was simply too young to make informed decisions.  

I guess participation in education can be considered a call of duty.  School is mandatory from year one to year ten.  But a child in year one is 5 to 6 years old, and is still too young to decide whether they should or should not participate in the education system.  You can’t make those decisions until you’re an adult, so that cannot qualify as a call of duty.

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Has Australia Ever Made Call Of Duty Requests?

These examples had me ponder, as an adult, has the Australian government ever called on me to do anything?

Has the Australian federal or state governments given me a phone call, sent me a letter, a text message, emails or any such correspondence personally asking me, “Tony.  You have to do this for the good of your country.”  

I concluded, I’ve never received any requests from the Australian state or federal governments to do anything for them.

Examples Of Australian Government Intrusions

It made me wonder, what other intrusions have the Australian government made in my life?

What other requirements are there to be an Australian?  

I really can’t think of many intrusions in my life where, if I don’t obey a government request, my life will be limited.

If you don’t vote, you will get a fine.  But your life will not be limited. A fine is only a monetary punishment.  

If the Australian government goes to war, there definitely could be an intrusion of conscription to join the Australian Defense Forces to fight for Australia. That would definitely be an intrusion in your life and a requirement from the Australian government to conscript you to do something for and on behalf of the government.

Other than that example of conscription, I can’t think of any other reasons that the Australian federal or state governments could intrude on your life.

The Varied Degrees Of Intrusion Into Your Life

The only other reason I could think of is when the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) garnishes money from your bank accounts in order to recoup money owed for unpaid fines.  There is a level of intrusion.  

If you do something wrong in Australia, such as to not vote, then you will get a fine.  But there is no force applied to the fine.

However, if the Australian government decides to garnish your money from your bank account, then some force is applied to that penalty.

Conscription is not a penalty, but there is ultimate force applied on you to fight and die for your country. Otherwise, the punishment would be that you will be thrown in jail.

The Intrusiveness Of Mandatory Vaccinations

When we come to mandatory vaccinations, that intrusion and punishment on your life, in my opinion, would be just below the degree of punishments related to conscription.

Mandatory vaccination has become a catch-all for a government that thinks they can stop a citizen from doing anything in their life.  

Under the guise of mandatory vaccination, you can lose your job.  Under the guise of mandatory vaccination, you can be prohibited from traveling interstate.  Under the guise of mandatory vaccination, you can be prevented from traveling overseas.  

There are so many intrusions in your life when you decline to participate in mandatory vaccinations.  You can lose your business. You can lose your job.  You can lose your livelihood.  The person who fails to obey a government directive around mandatory vaccination stands to lose many human rights connected to their dignity in life.

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Mandatory Vaccinations As A Catch-All Punishment

When you think about mandatory vaccinations around COVID-19 in that light, they do seem to be an overreach by the Australian government.

Mandatory vaccinations should not be a catch all punishment and intrusion into the lives of Australian citizens.

If governments and health bureaucrats must use mandatory vaccination in a health setting, then those health orders should only apply to people in society that are vulnerable.

It doesn’t make sense to punish healthy Australian people with the loss of their job, loss of their income, loss of their livelihood, loss of their ability to travel overseas or interstate, simply because they don’t want to inject their body with a vaccine that has been proven only to provide some protection from COVID to the person who injects the COVID vaccine into their body.

In my opinion, the Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has overreached in his capacity as leader.  He wants to protect people in his community and his state, ignoring the diaspora of Western Australians in other states and around the world.  He wants to protect some lives, at the expense of other lives and livelihoods.  

He wants to stop the spread of Omicron by stopping double-dose-vaccinated Western Australians from coming back into Western Australia.  But the COVID-19 vaccine was supposed to protect people.  That was the sales pitch.  Get the vaccine and get your freedoms back.  Well, Western Australia is looking as free as North Korea right now.  You can thank your Premier, Mark McGowan.

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