
Tag: government

The Face Mask Confrontation At A NSW Council Leisure Center

Since the abolition of medical apartheid in NSW, claiming a face mask medical exemption can deescalate a vaccine mandate showdown. Diary of a Mad Chaos – World’s Longest Diary.

The Call Of Duty To Triple Vaccinate

How does the call of duty to vaccinate compare to other Australian government intrusions and punishments on ordinary Australians throughout history?

Battling The Continued Slur On Novak Djokovic

Battling the brainwashed Australians that accept Australian government and mainstream news misinformation on why Novak Djokovic was deported.

Australian Mainstream News Descending Into Media Propaganda

Australian news media during the coronavirus pandemic has increasingly become like Chinese propaganda.   Living in China for seven years made me attuned to national…

Cultural Differences: Bureaucracy In China vs The West

In China, bureaucracy is problematic. This guide helps foreigners to bypass bureaucratic red tape to basic public Chinese services such as internet use.

Cultural Differences: Government Influence On Business In China vs The West

One of the key differences between China and the West is the heavy government influence on private businesses. Learn about this topic and more in this post.

Cultural Differences: Street Protests In Western and Chinese Societies

In Western democracies, street protests are common and mostly allowed. Learn about how this is different in China, and the tactics protesters must use.