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Preparing To Tell Lyssa That I Love Her – Mad Chaos: October 31, 1997

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Making Mistakes At Martinson Engineering

Getting back to the problem that happened yesterday working at Martinson Engineering.  Upon working on invoices I made a numbers error and had to retrieve files into another directory.  After two hours I successfully had done my job. 

Then I had another problem within that problem.  I got some more numbers wrong, but I must admit that it was a very hot day and I couldn’t think properly.  I’m surprised that no one really got upset. 

Ringo made it clear to me that they need me so that Ringo can advance into Sales and I can advance into his position, somewhere in Administration.

Picking up my Martinson Engineering pay, I cashed it, and put away lots of money for the formal, which I’ve saved around $400 so far. 

Visit Lyssa At Her House

Last night I went to Lyssa’s house before coming home.  I was only there for about ten minutes when I had two choices, either go home with Bielka in twenty minutes or go home with Imad. 

After having a chat to her brother and then him sifting through my wallet and other things while I was in Lyssa’s room, I decided to go with Imad.

Lyssa seemed stunned for some reason.

Waiting for Bielka to turn up, we talked out the front of her house.  Imad was his usual talkativeness.  Bielka turned up.  Then we followed them for a little and went home. 

At home I tried to work on some songs but didn’t have too much luck.  I did have some.

Finishing The Poem For Lyssa

While coming home today I visited Campbelltown Library and finished Lyssa’s poem off.  Here is the outtake.  Notice the middle of every line spells something.

What is more important to how you feel, If one and one are two or I belong to you,

How do I show you that you and I are one, Let this day have intentions without purpose,

Confusion is that of a clouded mind well bewildered, Only to be granted satisfaction in the midst of an illusion,

Subdued by the thoughts in my mind, Vulnerable to the words that I’ve spoken,

To judge or judge unto others is misleading, Engrave the thought that they alone will bleed,

Fold my emotions towards the sun, You will see inscribed the only meaning,

When all is over, it doesn’t end, Of times embraced it can’t be elided,

Countless twilight of thought expended within my mind, Under a cushion of thought constantly dreaming of a way

The poem really doesn’t have that much meaning, but there is meaning within every word.  “I Love You” is what I really mean to say to Lyssa.  I hope she sees it. 

Walking out of Campbelltown Library I got the poem laminated.  Now it’s sitting in my house.  I’ll give the poem to Lyssa on Sunday morning when she is about to leave my house, probably while she is having a shower.

I Love You Poem To Lyssa

Lyssa Calls With Concerns

Lyssa gave me a call before she attended her HSC exams because she thought something was wrong since yesterday. She told me it’s Halloween and wanted to see what I’m doing. 

Tatton Takes Over My Place

Just pondering upon this thought, Tatton is hanging out with Keith nearly all the time.  Thinking back, that used to be me.  Now I’m thinking that if Tatton has taken over my place Keith must be getting desperate for companionship. 

Keith and I used to laugh about Tatton in front of him before and now I can just imagine Tatton going crazy in Keith’s car and Keith just looking at him like he’s an idiot.  Stupider things have happened.

End Of Month Creeps Up

Wait a minute, this is the last day of the month, whoops.  I just remembered that tomorrow is November, almost the end of the year. 

I haven’t really seen this month coming forward yet, but now I have, wow.  Next month I guess is the coming back of the boys, we will hang once again in the domain of Campbelltown.

Knowing I Love Lyssa

For tonight, Lyssa and I are going to relax for the big day tomorrow.  We might have to get up at 8am in the morning to get ready for Campbelltown.  Hopefully Lyssa likes what I’ve finally done for her. 

I know I love her. 

I’m not really sure how much, but it’s there, and she needs to know.  I’m not certain if she feels the same way but I know she will.  That might after all be a change towards the new month, Lyssa knowing and accepting us.

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First diary entry for November 1, 1997. Lyssa Sleeps Over,…