group people dance disco night club china beat music from dj stage

Cultural Differences: Chinese Country Girls vs City Girls

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Every time a foreigner comes outside onto the streets of China, they know the potential opportunity to pick up girls is incredibly high.  The reason for such optimism comes from the quality of stories from the foreigners I am meeting in China. 

Pick-Up Tales From A Polish Foreigner In China

While downstairs in Dengba hostel (登巴客栈), whittling away the nocturnal hours in tranquil calm, the front door suddenly swung open.  In barged a scruffy, long, blonde-haired male bearing light, pale greyish to blue eyes.

He spouted in a drunken tone to me, “Hey!  How are you?”

I could see he was extremely drunk.  His face was very pale.  He was tall and lanky.  He resembled Kurt Cobain in his physical stature.  

As soon as he saw that I had an orange in my hand, he twittered, “Do you think I can have some of that?” 

“Here, have some,” I drawled.

I could see that he had not drunken anything for a few hours except for alcohol, so he was extremely dehydrated. 

He sits across from me in Dengba hostel and starts ratcheting off his extremely funny stories.  He is a bit of a comedian.  He reminded me of Eddie Murphy, the comical way that he tells stories. 

Chinese Nightclub Experiences For Foreigners

“Have you heard of Party Pier?  I was there tonight,” the Polish foreigner recounted.

“I drank so much alcohol.  I am a good dancer!  Because I am a good dancer, the nightclub barman kept giving me drinks for free.  I have gone to this place two times now.  They said, ‘You come back next time.  If you can dance well, we will give you free drinks, no worries’.”

Sitting back, listening to his lively voice, I asked questions to glean if he had hit on any Chinese girls.

He flapped on, “I was dancing man.  There was this one Chinese girl.  She was all over me.  At one point, she was kissing me all the time.” 

He made me take notice when he made cultural observations about the Chinese dating scene

He smirked, “Chinese girls are so horny.  The poorer they are, and if they come from the countryside, the hornier they are for you.” 

I thought in my mind, “That is actually true.  The Chinese girls that are well-off, have jobs, and are more sophisticated, are less inclined to just jump into bed with you.”

The likely reason that poor, uneducated Chinese girls would jump into bed with foreigners is because they believe they will never get a second chance to speak to a foreigner.  On the other hand, sophisticated Chinese girls who have been around foreigners in the city more often, have developed an expectation that they will bump into foreigners again if they wanted to. 

Foreigners are not as exotic to a modern Chinese girl compared to a countryside Chinese girl.  Modern Chinese girls are able to put it off.   Whereas the uneducated girls think, “It would be so hot to have sex with a foreign guy.  We can have a one night stand (一夜情), and then I will never talk to him ever again.”

asian tan skin girl wear dark hat with throwing white hair air turn spin smiles feel happy dance

The Dangers Of The Chinese Night Life Scene

I said, “That is the point of the night where you should have taken her to a hotel room.” 

He digressed, “No, but there were these three African guys.  They started chasing me.  I was running.  I am a pacifist.  I am not going to get into a fight with anyone.  But, I ran.  These three African guys were behind me.  I was really drunk and out of it.  Every time I looked behind me I thought they had a knife in their hand.” 

The European foreigner recounted, pointing his finger around in the air, “Somehow I got really bold and I told them, ‘You are worth one thousand RMB, and you are worth one thousand RMB.  I am going to get you guys killed.’”

When he threatened the three African guys, they all stopped in their tracks. 

There was some credibility to his claim.  You can’t directly look at this Polish foreigner because he does look intimidating.  He does not look at all like he is trying to look inviting or to attract a girl.  When the Polish foreigner said he was a pacifist, I thought, “Alright, he is not going to cause any trouble with me.” 

The foreigner finished his dramatic Party Pier pickup story.

“I took a bottle of alcohol, because everybody was leaving the nightclub at 3am.  I was going to stay at the nightclub and get wasted, so I took the whole bottle.  I carried the bottle in my hand.”

“Then we all went to an after-party after that.” 

I quizzed, “After party?  Where did you go?  Was the after-party at someone’s house?” 

He answered, “No.  I followed some people until we ended up in another nightclub.  You know, everybody knows there are different clubs you can go to until 6am.  That is the after party.”

I would learn the foreigner was Polish.  He had many twisted tales to recount about his experiences traveling and working in China over the months.

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