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Pull All-Nighter Playing ‘Myth’ – Mad Chaos: July 1, 1998

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Play PC Game ‘Myth’ All Night

Tired as a motherfucker, I haven’t slept since two nights ago.  I’ve missed a night’s sleep.  Instead of turning my computer off after what I had written last night I kept going at my computer game “Myth”.  Insanely, I started cussing at the computer because I was stuck and wasn’t happy.  

Myth The Fallen Lords PC Game Cover

My eyes are so tired that I can’t even concentrate properly.  All my letters are coming out of place and my mind is already set on sleep, my work is sloppy.

Not believing that I could stay up for an all-nighter, I kept at it.  Before I knew it the sun had come up.  Opening up my curtains and turning the lights off, I let out some natural lighting to freshen up my wrinkling lines.  All day, I have been eating and playing the computer.  That is the only thing that would keep me awake.

The only breaks I received were when Lyssa called from work and when I used the phone to inquire about digital cameras.  I asked Lyssa to inquire about digital cameras on her lunch break, but she was unsuccessful.  

Imad Visits To Play ‘Myth’

Not really wanting to concentrate too much right now, I’ll just say Imad came over and we played my computer game for another two hours.

Lyssa gave me a call when she arrived home while Imad was still here.  Because of that she would call back at a more suitable time.  

I borrowed a CD from Imad.

Make Lyssa Cry

When Imad was gone I called Lyssa up.  My tiredness took me over in a hysterical state as I started laughing and getting very cranky.  Making Lyssa cry on the phone, I can’t fully blame staying awake for two days cause it was partly I.

A New Month

Well, it is now legitimately the first day of the month but I don’t have that much that is interesting to comment about.  Rather, I’m too tired to comment right now.  What I want to do is have a shower and then fall asleep watching television.  

Tomorrow morning I feel I will wake up early so I can travel to the City and listen to CDs at HMV.  

Well, it’s time to go, not a long entry for my first diary entry.  The entry doesn’t make a lot of sense also but that’s what you get when you haven’t slept for a long time, schizophrenia sets in.

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First diary entry for July 2, 1998. PC Games Marathon,…