
Month: March 2018

Cultural Differences: Successful Women In Australia / China

Every day, it becomes more common to see highly successful women. Learn about the meaning of success in different cultures and what that means for women.

Cultural Differences: Pollution In China And The West

Everyone enjoys a beautiful, sunny day, but in some places, this is a rare occurrence. Read about pollution in China compared to clean, sunny Australian skies.

Cultural Differences: Married To Your Job In Australia (铁饭碗)

A common and critical saying in Australia is that you are ‘married to your job’. Get first-hand insight into how this applies in Eastern vs Western cultures.

Cultural Differences: The Culture Shocks Coming To Australia

All The Australian Culture Shocks In One Day Culture shock is experienced when a person who enters into a new country is confronted by things…

Cultural Differences: Chinese and Australian Transit Systems

Everyday around the world, tens of millions of people travel on public transport. In this post, we compare public transit systems between the East and West

Cultural Differences: The China-America Trade War

The trade war between China and the United States can be difficult to understand. This is a simple and concise guide to the situation and its implications.

Cultural Differences: Doing Business In China vs Australia

Small business is a very culture-oriented practice. In this post, get a good look at what its like doing business in eastern compared to western cultures.

Cultural Differences: Dating In China

Many people flock to China and other Eastern countries in search of love. Learn about conservatism in China, dating as a foreigner, the spa analogy, and more.

中澳文化差异: 在约会中的中国式保守主义


English As A Second Language In China (ESL) Salon Class – Natural Disasters Lesson

Today, in China, Guangzhou, I arrived to Tiyuxilu (体育西路) metro station on my way to World International English to teach two English (ESL) classes. In…

Teaching In China: Tutoring Conversational English In China, Guangzhou (家教) – The Blue Book

A diary entry for the time I teach English (ESL) to a middle-school Chinese student. The class includes conversational dialogue, new English words, and reading from an English book..

Teaching In China: English As A Second Language (ESL) – The Sports Handout

In China, Guangzhou, Tiyuxilu (体育西路), I arrived to World International English 10 minutes before my 3 pm class. My teaching assistant said hello to me. …

Cultural Differences: Chinese versus Western Fashion Trends

Fashion trends are a vital aspect of making the right impression in a new city. Get to know brandless fashion trends and the ‘camp’ factor in China and the East.

Cultural Differences: Tips On How To Find A Girlfriend In China

Learn about the cultural differences between Western and Chinese dating scenes with tips to help you find the best approach to get a girlfriend in China.

Cultural Differences: Work Cover In Australia versus China

Every country has processes to handle workplace injury, but more emphasis is placed on hard work in China. How important is workplace safety in both societies?

Cultural Differences: Identity Fashion In China

Is China going through a fashion revolution? Explore the different fashion styles and trends that have become a marker of individual identity in modern China.

Cultural Differences: Attitudes Of Eastern and Western Females

This post explores the perceived changes experienced in the attitudes of Westerners who live abroad, and how quasi celebrity status in China affects Westerners.

Cultural Differences: The 99% Factor In Conservative Chinese Dating Culture

As a foreigner in China, getting around conservative dating cultures can be challenging. This is your guide to the 99% Factor In Conservative Dating.

Cultural Differences: Government Influence On Business In China vs The West

One of the key differences between China and the West is the heavy government influence on private businesses. Learn about this topic and more in this post.

Cultural Differences: Travelers Working In China vs The West

Many young tourists and backpackers work while travelling to fund their lifestyle. In this article, learn about legal work rights, job applications, and more.

Cultural Differences: Adapting Dating Expectations In China

Many young adults flock overseas in search of love. In this article, learn how to navigate the Chinese dating scene and some significant cultural differences.