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Cultural Differences: Attitudes Of Eastern and Western Females

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China cultivates a certain type of attitude in some Westerners – females in particular – who live and work long-term in China.  This pointed difference in attitude between Eastern and Western females came to my attention today on a trip into a metro station in Guangzhou, China.

While waiting on the station platform, across the red and gray checkered floor tiles I noticed two Caucasian females of English appearance stepping off the escalators.  Standing out in a crowd dominated by Asian faces, admittedly, they looked really sexy.

The blonde Caucasian Western female had her hair tied back, with white Elton John glasses rested on top.  In terms of fashion, she wore a white top, and thin gray cotton jacket placed over her shoulders like one would see in a tennis club.  Her skin-tight denim shorts accentuated her long, pale white legs and sublimely tone bum. 

Her taller brunette Caucasian friend wore all black, black tights, and sheer black top with a plunging neck to flatter her heaving bust.  Her top was so sheer that all the Chinese commuters could see her boobs through the material.

I thought, “They must be two Western models.”   

I also thought they looked like bitches. 

That is what the difference is between Western girls and Chinese girls.  The cultural difference was starkly observable for all to witness in this Guangzhou metro station, surrounded by a throng of Chinese commuters, and these two European models.

Celebrity Status Of Westerners In China

In my thousands of interactions and observations of Chinese girls in China, my typical conclusion is positive.  From afar, Chinese girls look open and receptive towards people.  Once you speak to a Chinese girl, they come across as sweet, gentle by nature, and polite.

But to me, Western girls in China mostly come across like cold bitches.  These two Western girls stood on the train, in their own bubble, looking only at each other, looking down, only talking to each other.  It was like a scene from a prison movie, where the Western girls dropped soap on the floor and did not want to bend over.  They were not being polite, or acknowledging anyone else around them.  They acted like pampered rich kids that accidentally mixed with the common folk.

As I scanned around the carriage to see every other Chinese face, I could tell if I looked at these Chinese girls and talked to them, they would look back at me and smile.  That to me was the fundamental difference between our Eastern and Western cultures.  I knew if I looked at these two Western girls, they would not smile.  Those model-like Western girls would cynically think, “What are you smiling at me for?”   It took me back to Australia.

Living Up To The Façade Of Western Celebrity

These two Western females who boarded the train reminded me that a large chunk of Westerners in China mostly put on a façade.  Westerners in China all know that we are like fish in a bowl, a flashy toy in a shop window, a stunt double that gets mistaken for the actual celebrity.  So, we live up the fantasy. 

Western males become like Fonzie in Happy Days.  Western females become like Paris Hilton in China.  Not all Westerners become the caricature, but many do embrace the pros and cons of quasi celebrity.

This self-assured look from Western people in China took me back to a Thai girl I had met in China.  I saw this very attractive Thai girl on an elevator.  Like I had done a thousand times before to Chinese people in China, I smiled and we said hello to each other.  Her reaction however was distinctly Western.  A stark cynicism permeated the air around us, as if she were confronted by nicety. 

The big difference in attitudes between Eastern and Western women is the cynicism that comes from women borne of Western cultures, versus the welcoming and curious nature of Chinese people.  It makes me appreciate China all the more.

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