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The Evolution Of Human Logistics Theory – Mad Chaos: June 6, 2001

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The Death Of The Rap Era

The rap era dies when people stop pressing LPs, which is the main reason for (and the building blocks of) that generation.  Every generation has a different message to bring, and like Rock before us, dealing for the predominantly white, it will eventually fade away through its lack of support, or lacking press on matters no longer universally accessible to public.

LPs produce the raw cuts on beats, which are ultimately the soul of rap and its variations.  Without LPs, and working against the digital evolution, it would have DJs and mike masters going against all odds to have their message recognized, and second, to actually have it analyzed as logistically as the raw blueprint for my theory on “human civilization’s quest for total intellectual capacity”.

Human Civilization’s Quest For Total Intellectual Capacity

Think about it.  Humans were created with this fascination for numbers that we have.  Take genetics, the science of atoms, binary code, and suchlike things that would have been implanted in our mettle, as characteristics when we were created, either through God (as in the Adam and Eve theory) or by Martians, instigating the debate on whether we are all different races, or a whole of people.  

Binary code is so simplistic.  But back in the Jurassic Period, dinosaurs would only have made contact with each other through eye gestures.  Slowly, they evolved, and like dogs, had more facial expressions to accommodate.  

Then, when in cavemen days, they formed this love-hate relationship with numbers, and hence progression up the chain of human intellectual capacity (our learning through phases of chronicled experience), our backbone of genetics noted it with another few dots for the next generation to play with.  

Humans and their presence in the universe evolved (got louder) to the next level, and there is no reverse.  

A generation either evolves and gets better, hence, procreating and keeping themselves alive, or perishes, either through global war or more natural disasters.  

The universe is out there just waiting to be discovered, and like the press, and this theory on DJs becoming extinct, you’re either progressing, or failing miserably for humanity.  “Thanks for the progress,” natural human progression would have noted sarcastically for that one generation ruining their analytical resonance (rise).  

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

Will Humanity Evolve Or Fail?

You would have to wonder whether when playing God, we would literally zombie ourselves out and turn to robots, and whether the technological age in this quest so close to total human intellectual capacity, would continue or wane forthwith?

Would this total power over our genetic balance become a drastic imbalance to natural human evolution?  

Would our being so close to the top of the logistical ladder to this higher knowledge (divinity) throw us off?  

Could this be like a safeguard, or a clause in God’s contract that forbids us from knowing eternally, because knowing eternally, is eternity, hence our drive for human evolution, this need for total intellectual capacity?  

Will we reach our zenith of existence or will an anomaly trip us up and cause our non-existence, both in rap or to humans throughout?

The Evolution Of Humanity

Peoples over time get smarter and evolve, which seems, to me, programmed in our genetics.  Evolution itself is documented through the achievements of everyday humans, and this seems to revolve around invention (where its block-out would cause the natural progression extinctive theory), or even posthumously through the recording of their compassionate terms.

A human’s learning curve (documented in our genetics and dispersed to other generations – like a brief) is more attuned to liken to my logistical theory, bending progressively in numbers, which is ultimately our basic building block of life, and the chronicling of our drive to total human intellectual capacity.  We are martyrs for this drive, heaven being our reward, whilst hell factions years of torture for punishment.

The (1) being up the top, then a (2), then (4) then (8) and so forth through the scales.  Human civilization is way off total intellectual capacity, either competing against other peoples (made anomalies for guesses when throwing a spanner into the works by cross breeding with other races) or all spurting from the first ones, Adam and Eve, and all therefore having the same intellect, being of the same blood and base nature.  

However, invention has become more frequent lately, and over the millions of years that evolution has existed, there is proof.

Inventions Hold Clues Of Evolution

Invention is more frequent these days because we are so global.  When our population increases and we evolve with our knowledge base, its capacity would dramatically increase up the scale, my theory of human divinity.  Now we’re about around back in the 256 days, which when incorporated by the logistical theory would mean there are around twelve more levels to go, the extinction of a music genre then, or a race.

Musical Evolution

Music has been around for millions of years, but ever since the technological age, and particularly in these last fifty years, it seems that with the invent of radio frequency, and then televisions, had in its doing, almost invented human novelty.  

A peoples were happy enough to play bongo drums or harps for thousands of years, but then as we evolved, and with a humungous growth spurt since the invent of writing (conveying messages with greater efficiency), it seems that this need to change things around has almost been synonymous with our second nature.

The Evolution Of Expression

Back in the days of Dinosaurs, facial gestures were about the only form of communication, and therefore, was their first invention.  

Technical telepathy, implanted in us when we were created, or when we were delivered here as experiments from other more evolved species, for tests.  This would have been one of the earliest missions for humanity.  

Facial gestures would have been that next step up the evolutional ladder, from a huge number running down towards the (8), then (4) then (2) and then finally divinity, the end of the drive and the road to final accomplishment.

The Cause Behind Invention

For all we know, our cause to invent could have been weaned into us when we were just atoms, or it could have bestowed us with a swell of impetus from our creator.  

The cavemen days and the invent of the wheel, hand gestures, and then mathematics would have all been crucial stepping stones for the building blocks of life.  But you have to admit that with the invent of the media, it hasn’t been a long time between drinks for new innovations and creation.  

Because of mass media coverage and more overall awareness desensitizing our perceptions of human evolutional drive these days, it gets more of a competitive grind towards the end.  

A peoples tends to overlook their accomplishments, either due to their not being developed enough, or because they’re not giving it all the worth it needs, playing it down.

Where Does Your Business Stand?

The Theory Of Human Logistics

Never have we seen an evolutionary boom like this than since these past fifty years particularly, and never is it so obvious than in the music industry, whose invent of novelty has us upping the pace every generation to come out with a new voice for their people, and a new notch on natural human genetic progression.  

Rap has to be kept alive.  When people take away its base of life, being turntables and LPs, it effectively kills off any further growth, and waits as the diehards die, and the message is faded by other more novel genres.  The same applies with my theory on human logistics, which is the backbone of our existence.

Basically, the last person left with an LP would technically be the only person able to keep the genre going.  The only problem is, like the human race and its continual evolution, that person has the right to ask themselves “Should I or shouldn’t I keep this going?”  

The genre could lose confidence in its fan base, which would be like suicide, or like its existence from them, being faded from existence.  The press would never document on their generations controversies, the radios would never play their tunes, and millions to billions of people would never get the chance to hear the message.  

Human Creativeness In Evolutionary Terms

Human creativeness was also a great accomplishment of our unique expression, like when we created governments to see to our race’s progress, and when Australians, in wartime were given only three notes to play on their bugles, and subsequently made a whole series of songs from them, “Last Post” being one of their more patriotic examples.  

Man created comedy, drama, inhibitions, he talked up fears and thought up Gods to fulfill this verge on knowledge we’ve now obtained.  Chronicling our evolution through time, either be it by wall paintings (for thousands of years) or by paper (here for only hundreds of years still being so relatively new) pegs us one step closer to our divinity.  

You can be sure that other inventions for communication (probably our original mission when the seat of evolution first began) will come thick and fast over time, and that it will quicken in succession thanks to our genetic logistical theory.  

One possible invention (or discovery) evolving from the toil of written and read literature would be our ability to communicate through telepathy, but that would be more an inward journey than through technological reinvention.

Giving Up The Diary Became Stress Relief

Smoking marijuana could give me a kick back towards writing my memoir.  It could create the drive needed to overcome the senselessness of writing nightly by taking away the presence of conscience.  These last few months have been stress relief not having to worry about my memoirs.  

But the memoirs are my one and only drive, and therefore, after a break, there will always be a new and improved comeback.

This is just my way of wetting my beak, getting smashed and then writing about theories that pop straight into my head, like the gist to create a new rapping group (featuring me and the milkman at first) has done some nights ago.  

There you go, smoking weed isn’t so bad for me after all.  Smoking may have been a quick fix in the depressive days, and this cough may have been resultant of it, but its mar should bounce me back sustaining my need to get back to the soul of my drive, writing.  

We have evolved quickly in the last four hundred years, but with all these new messages, and such rich genes near the top of the logistical ladder, we should evolve much more emphatically.

Novelty Is The Meaning Of Life

The meaning of life then to me is that “novelty is the key to eternity,” that or knowledge leading us a step towards the right direction.  Our travail here is our small sacrifice for mankind, doing our duty to work our way towards ultimate divinity, and all those players, will not as the sloth, be rewarded.  That’s my role here, a wanton case of telepathy in lieu of some evolution (like sci-fi) towards itself.  

I am the new outcast to society, mixed between boarders, in with the computers and its knowledgebase while driven by this thirst to chronicle my life in secret, but needing to be heard.  

You are the prototype, the most primitive, and the original wanton telepathist.

Then you think, “How many men before me have pondered this thought, and if any, whom was the inventor?”  

The Human Race’s Evolutionary Impasse

This theory of human calibration to logistics, could it have been thought up eons ago or would it have been concurrent with the invention of excavation, which one would say, broadens our thirst for knowledge.  

The human race likes to invent things for which to accommodate for the pace of their human mind limits but the anomaly is that at some time along the chain of process, there will come a kink when we won’t be able to handle all the input, and will malfunction or come to some sort of evolutionary impasse because of it.

You could call me a methodical thinker, both in the way my mind ticks and how my thoughts are all captured and analyzed thoroughly.  

Could this be my invention and was tonight its inauguration of invention?  

Hmm…  Have we moved a notch closer to telepathy, and if so, how far now can we go with generations to come.  Soon knowledge will be insatiable, but would we be able to burden the novelty to still stand on our own two feet?

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

Sci-Fi Is Evolutionary

Sci-fi creators are the preemptive orifices for evolution.  They literally conjure the blueprints for change, and the human mind, being so prone and malleable to impressionism, inclines towards these innovative ideas, which are really like the mappings of something beyond our capabilities of understanding, this thing that never wants us to reach utter divinity.

Mental telepathy could control this flush of thoughts, and fused with this technological era, could also implant small telepathy attachments, making it more convenient for someone to learn or communicate, either via the Internet or personably.  

Mental Telepathy Data Transfer

When thinking up these thoughts, it would have been so much easier for me to hum them out in my mind so that the brainwaves connected to the computer chip in my mind could document them, then send them out for storage for some later term in my brain.  Imagination is an imperial thing.

Could mental telepathy cause us to shut off and not think anymore?  Imagine the scenario of me bumping into girls every day or the time when first meeting Daleyza?  Things would have been very different had we had the level playing board of mental telepathy to get past our inhibitions.  We would have understood each other immediately without the need for guessing had we had this ability of mental telepathy.  However, abridged with typical irony, all new inventions come with their weaknesses.

The Nature Of Flaws

Flaws are all part of nature.  Nothing is ever perfect.  Being born in those futuristic days would find me hard to adapt to such life standards.  However, being such the pioneer for human intellectual invention, it could probably suit my adoptive skills.  

Beer and weed attune the mind’s senses to theories as these, like a steroid, or a drink of “V” picking your game up.

The Philosophy Of Sci-Fi

Sci-fi is philosophy, while its failure is intervention.  

Your soul is where all that universal knowledge passed down through generations is kept, through your siblings’ inheritance.  A man’s soul always passes on from generation of invention to generation.  

The soul contains the key to human evolution, the logistics of it.  Accomplishment is our internal drive.  So, my theory is that the Human species is a history of accomplishment and mental adaptation.

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