blond girl natural background sensual female enjoying aroma cherry blossom pretty young woman lyssa blooming flowers with pink petals

A Day Trip To Sydney With Lyssa – Mad Chaos: November 29, 1997

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This month has been magnificent with only a few hitches along the way.  Yesterday I couldn’t talk on my Diary because Lucas was coming over and was almost upon me.

Back from Corrimal beach, Lyssa and I slept blissfully until midday on Friday.  We woke up to return the suit to the bearer in the city. 

Travel To Sydney To Return Formal Clothes

Reaching Campbelltown I gave Lyssa some money to get some photos developed.  From there we traveled to the city. 

The trip by train to Sydney was nice and cold, seeming it was a boiling day.  Catching a Granville train to the city, we reached the place 5 minutes late, and it was closed.  I was real pissed off to know I was five minutes late.  I would probably have to pay for a late fee and would have to visit the next day. 

Lyssa and I watched a demonstration happening on bikes, and then came back home.

The Boys Come Over

Reaching Lyssa’s house again and still being only Friday, we had something to eat.  Then I was planning the night for Lyssa and I. 

Somehow I left Lyssa’s house to get ready at my house.  I think I was staying over Lyssa’s house on Friday night, I’m pretty sure of it. 

While at my house Friday night Lucas interrupted me in my Diary just as I was getting started.  Actually the story goes, Lyssa stayed over my house on Friday night because we had to get up reasonably early on Saturday to return the suit.

Lucas came over and then Simon came over and also Shawn.  We were all mucking around on my computer until I called Ali.  Ali had to help me get Lyssa to my house that night. 

Ali drove over.  Then we jumped into the cars.  I took a picture of all of us leaving. 

We drove to a Taco shop on Queen Street.  We sat there for a minute and then picked up Lyssa and drove back.  Lyssa and I stayed in the car.  She was unhappy a little because she thought she was a burden and was taking me away from my friends. 

After a little time everyone jumped in their cars to visit Woodbine Macers.  Lyssa and I were dropped off at my house. 

Lyssa Sleeps Over My House

Walking into my room we got ready to get to sleep a little earlier than usual for the next day. Reading the Cleo Magazine I bought for Lyssa and I, she was already almost asleep. 

Jumping into bed we both lay asleep until 9am in the morning.  Lyssa and I are very open to each other.

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Diary entry for November 30, 1997. Return Suit To Sydney,…