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Confronting My Fear Of Rejection – Mad Chaos: June 4, 2003

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Bump Into Yazmin In Supermarket

Please rush a respirator for a quivering heart on such a serendipitous occasion.  I was so scared a few minutes ago at the mercy of a female at the local shops.  I bumped into Yazmin from the supermarket as she shopped in her local haunt.  

As we both so keenly stopped in an aisle, after a few long weeks of absence, the hand tremors and heart palpitations shook me into an intimidated scene.  Each chance conversation has taken us one step closer to the inevitable, but today was the day that racing afterthoughts would stop occupying my mind.  

I was so nervous, but the patience she showed was like that of the shrew who endured my speech spasms long enough to exchange phone numbers.  There were countless moments of awkwardness as we moved from inside an aisle to outside, but I did manage her number.  I was so nervous and intimidated but I can laugh about it now.  

The Courage To Make A Connection

I managed an ounce of courage as we exchanged numbers, and now the sensation is over.  

I was made to reevaluate my situation on my walk home however, as she had a mobile phone, a car to store her groceries in, and work to sustain her habits.  A love interest can surely place life in perspective however, as it shames me to be so poor without interests.  

I am adamant to not be one of those people that never call a person because they are afraid however.  I like her and I know she likes me.  I just have to find that old pizzazz that made me the cheek and charm of old.  

Because I confronted my fear of rejection however, tonight was a big success and a vindication.  I knew my attitude has shaped up since last month, and almost as if it hasn’t missed a beat.  I could take block of psychosis out and slide these recent months over almost seamlessly, as if this should have been the natural outcome after the badgering bane left. I should have carried on defiantly instead of succumbing to marijuana, but this nonetheless is sweet justification.  

I can be a better man now, or in the least my principles can draw off of real emotions.  I like the adrenaline of confronting my fears.  It builds character.  

Anyway, the moral of this story is that there is no point in running away from your emotions.  

I could have remained oblivious tonight in this mist of misunderstanding, but I chose not to be gutless, and now the lover seeds blossom.  I will call her one day, but for now, like my heart, the contemplation shall rest.

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Diary entry for June 8, 2003. Pushed To Write, Antisocial…