Two Young Girl Friends Standing Together Mimi And Ciwa

Thinking About Life in the City – Mad Chaos: June 5, 1997

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How many days in one month can this be said, I’m having a great time this month, meeting new people everyday.  Particularly these days, I’m meeting ladies.  In particular, good looking ladies.  

Bumping Into Mimi

For example, today Frank sent me to the city to collect a book and some council shit.  While walking around looking for somewhere to eat, I bumped into Mimi, as she’d like to be known.

Mimi is the person at Macarthur Square not too long ago that adored my long hair and sat down talking to me while I was with my friends, last weekend I think.  

Sitting down with her, she introduced me to two of her friends, one also from Campbelltown and the other from Bankstown.  Ciwa from Bankstown was fairly hot, beautiful and had a very good job.  She works at Pacific Airlines or somewhat in the city.  Mimi works close to her.

Walking Mimi to work first, I had the opportunity to walk Ciwa (hard to pronounce) to her office.  That was real pleasant for me because she seemed very nice.  I invited her and Mimi this weekend out with us.  Me and Mimi have exchanged numbers.  

I’m planning to catch a train home with Mimi today meeting her at Town Hall.  She will call me at 5pm to get me off work.  She will call me once again at 5:30pm to see where we are to meet.  On the way home I’m going to ask her for Ciwa’s number.  I will see if Ciwa will arrange something with me this weekend.

Big Weekend Plans

Saturday night is going to be popping, I can just tell that’s happening.  Saturday I have a lot of work to do.  

Lake Curtis’s day is on Friday.  We are seeing his cemetery site on Saturday.  Also on that day, I’m going to arrange for Thelma (Ali’s woman) to braid my hair.  Then I’m going shopping.

On Saturday I’m also seeing Jewell because she has the house to herself.  

After this CD gets to her she’s going to be thinking about me, so I’ll pop over by myself and see her.  She is willing to let me in her house with no one there.  Since we are friends it’s going to be testing on us mentally to see if we can cope without thinking about each other, or turning each other on… that much.

I’m going to buy more film for the camera.  If I’m lucky, Imad will get the camera from his contact in Auburn so that I can test-drive it.

The Good City Life

I’m telling myself now it can only get better from here on.  Saturday will be pumping especially if Ciwa brings her friends from Bankstown with her.  

Seeing them working in the city today made me realize a city life is a good life.  I’d get to meet my friends for lunch, pop in every now and then, good clean fun.  

In fact, I’m going to look for a job in the city more dominantly that anywhere else but Campbelltown.  

Right now I’m still working at Konquer Insurance, but I just can’t wait for this weekend to come around the corner.  I’m stuck with some work and the boss is out for lunch.  So it’s time to print this diary entry out onto paper, to type it up on my Amiga 500 at home tonight.

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Diary entry for June 6, 1997. Macarthur Square, Seeing Lyssa…