Young Brunette Lady In Coat On Train Looking Out Window

The Mysterious Female At The Train Station – June 10, 1997

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Playing Arcade Games

Last night, Bình came to my house.  We picked up Shawn and Ralf and played some arcade games at Macarthur Square.  Spending more money than I bargained for, I left short-cashed.  

Then we drove to see Keith working at Ingleburn.

I returned home late to have a short sleep for work.  

The Weird Woman At The Train Station

As the morning lights started shining through my bedroom window, I realized it was a new day and that work was due.  Little did I realize what kind of impact today would have on the rest of my day, maybe even longer.  

Today was normal, I got up, got ready, slept in a little, walked to the station and caught the same late train.  The train I caught was the Blacktown via Merrylands.  This is where it shaped to be a weird event.

During the stop at Guildford, I glanced out of the window like I usually do and noticed a woman sitting there on the seat looking odd to the rest of the people seated.  She didn’t notice me and I didn’t take that much notice of her.  

The next stop I got off at Merrylands and waited for my next train to arrive.  Gearing to sit onto the easiest spot, I noticed when sitting down I had chosen the seat next to the lady I’d seen at Guildford.  

From there on, she started erratically cleaning herself all over.  She seemed disappointed that the dirt would not come off.  She played profusely with her hair and glanced over my way as she flicked it.  When that failed to grab my attention, she started crossing her legs towards me.  Her last try was whistling, a very off-beat tune that no one knew, sounding very put on.  

This same person then started sighing and fidgeting.  I knew something was wrong.  Something was different from the moment I’d seen her sitting at Guildford.

All of a sudden without me knowing, she turned and introduced herself to me.  

“Hello, how are you,” she asked me.  

Stunned by the surprise of her talking to me out of the blue, I replied to her nicely.  Thinking that she would be embarrassed for introducing herself to me in a very public place, I asked if she would like to sit somewhere else.  She insisted, but with a clued face.

So we sat downstairs facing each other so that I could see what she was about.

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

The Erratic Signals From A Mysterious Female

There was something very unusual about her.  At first the conversation was fine, as if she was trying to pick me up.  Conversation started to go sour when she started talking superstitious to me.  Asking where I worked, what I did, and then, when I would ask any questions about her, she would say, “You don’t need to know.”  

This 19-year-old woman kept telling me that I should go for my next interview, I was very intelligent and smart for what I am.  

Speaking to me in a tone that was predictive in a sense that she knew I would get my next job, it was as if she was unfolding my future to me as we talked and stared at each other with blank expressions.  I was wondering what could possibly drive someone to be as crazy thinking as she was.

She swore at herself and starting to clean herself extensively again.  While looking at the ensemble she was wearing, business but casual attire, long brown zip boots, brown leggings, white shirt with a creamy or mustard color suede type material button up coat.  Her appearance was of a Spanish/Italian background.  She had hair that looked full and almost dreaded, but not giving that impression.  She had gloves that were bought the night before, and she was a very clean person.

She told me I would not believe how much power she had in life.  Right when I heard that, visions of her committing suicide were racing through my mind.  She was crazy.  

She asked me “Why do you have a job for?”  

She asked me why I have a mobile phone.  She told me that if I came with her, she could get me a job for whatever I wanted.  She was starting to worry both me and the person sitting next to me who was reading his book.

Seeing Through The Mind Games

Her game was simple, if it was a game.  By not telling me what her details were, who she was, what she was trying to do, her game was to try and make me paranoid enough to play in her little game.  

Her game was to use her thoughts and have her in my mind for as long as possible, thinking of her as a person that isn’t real, only an apparition.  Ironically, she has done that in a way.  I am writing about her in my diary.  When I go for my next interview, I probably will be thinking about her and her thoughts too.  

She couldn’t be what she was putting across.  If so much power was in her possession, why did she catch a train?  Why doesn’t she drive or be driven?  Why was she by herself and catching the train at 9:30am?  Why did she want me to believe her, take me into her own world?  

She wanted me at one stage to believe that my parents sent her to talk to me.  She’s full of shit.  

Now I know how Jewell feels about me somewhat.  

I don’t treat her like that.  I’m completely different in my ways.  But when she calls me a spin out and she can’t believe me sometimes, I’ll look at the person I met on the train and know how she feels.

Leaving Behind The Erratic Female

When I was getting off the train she said bye bye to me very mysteriously, as if when I left she was going to vanish when I looked back while stepping off the train, as if she was an apparition.  

Standing on the platform I didn’t walk downstairs.  I waited on the other platform until the train left to see if she got off.  She didn’t.

That was that, but it probably won’t be the last time I see her, I’m counting on that.  

What would be a spin out is if on my very next interview everything she said would come true.  More of a spin out would be if I was working for her, or she was my boss.  That would freak me out, but I’d laugh.

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

Konquer Insurance Work – Tuesday

Today, arriving at work, Frank told me that I would have to screen calls for him for the two weeks ahead, as he is studying for his degree in accountancy.  He said his exams are in two weeks.  

There are two good things coming out of this.  My days will be easier without as much extensive work, and when the exams do come through, I’ll be alone in the office and will be able to take earlier days off.

There is not much time left for the rest of today.  I would have paced myself if I remembered to bring Jett’s résumé that he wanted me to type up for him.  If I decided to walk back home and miss the train I caught, I never would have sat next to who I did, and my mind wouldn’t be clouded right now.

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Second entry for June 10, 1997. Muck Around Fight Results…