attractive smiling redhead ginger girl in dress

Paying Homage To Kathryn’s Lookalike – Mad Chaos: November 18, 1996

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Watch Old Home Videos

Keith came to my house around 12:30 am last night.  We just sat for a bit talking about gym.  We looked at my gym photos. 

Then we watched the VHS movie that our Teeny Bopper Group made in long-play before we even knew the girls in our group.

Home Video of Campbelltown Queen Street in 1996
Home Video of Campbelltown, Queen Street in January 1996
Home Video of Pizza Hut In 1996
Home Video of Campbelltown Pizza Hut in January 1996

Day At Home

Today it was raining and that is part of the reason I didn’t go out most of the day.  I woke up at 12:00pm or so.  I didn’t do much apart from sleep, watch TV and eat.

I was going to go to the gym today.  Keith rang me to see if I wanted to go but I changed my mind for tomorrow.

Fortnightly Food Shopping

My parents had gone to get food for the fortnight.  It has been a while since I have been shopping with mum.  I don’t know the point I’m trying to make but it’s wasting reading time.

I had something to eat.  Then they came back and I ate some more.  I watched TV while I ate and also played computer.

Visited Berenice

I did go out to the shops to ring Rory.  He diverted his phone to Palmer’s.  I talked to him for a bit.  Palmer said that Rory would be at Pizza Hut.  I didn’t want to try in case he wasn’t there, so I went to Berenice’s house.

Berenice was busy talking to one of the case workers for her, so I left and walked back to my house.

That was my big day out today.

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

Tamsen Pranks Me

Tamsen actually rang me and pretended she was someone from Mandy’s party wanting to get to know me.  At first I didn’t know who it was but I knew something was fishy.

Tomorrow I go to the gym.  If it is a nice day then I am going to sunbake, but I guarantee it will be rainy.

The Poster Homage To Kathryn

The poster that I put on my wall from the Sun Herald – that is supposed to be an older Kathryn with the most beautiful tits – is a nice poster.  I looked at it at least a dozen times today and am going to look at it until Kathryn gets here.

My only hope is that Kathryn wants something to happen when she comes down here, and that she wants it to happen regularly.

I’m off.

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The gym expended all my energy. Listening to music, a…