new sports equipment in bodybuilding gym

Bulking Up After A Big Bodybuilding Workout – Mad Chaos: November 20, 1996

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Preparing For Gym With Keith

This writing down shit is starting to be a pain because I write so much, so I’m going to try and simplify my entry today and make it smaller.

I woke up at 11:00 am today because Keith rang me about Gym at 12:00 pm.  I woke up, had breakfast – which was pancakes – and then he came at 12:15 pm.  I had the towels and all the gym stuff ready.

Gym Routine

I paid for Keith this time.  He is paying for me on Friday.

This morning, my workout wasn’t that good because I had too much syrup with my pancakes.  Too much sugar makes you tired and floods you with insulin, so that drained me at my workout.


This was my workout today…

Warm-up:I started on the bike and rode comfortably on the bike for 4 and a half minutes to burn 30 calories.  I stretched the Chest and Quads a bit only.
Chest:I started with a warm-up on Cable Crossovers and with 30 pounds on each side, done 15 reps.

I then got onto Incline Press and with 80 pounds on the bar done 10 reps.  I thought I should try with Dumbbell Incline Press and got 60 pounders and done myself 10 reps before conking out.  I then put the weight down to 55 pounders and I had a sprained elbow but I managed to do 6 reps before dropping the weight and I can feel it in my Chest now.

I then did a set of Peck Deck with 80 pounds on it and done 12 reps.  They were very hard.

Then I went onto Seated Machine Bench Press and loaded it with 140 pounds and got out 6 reps before conking out.  I lowered the weight down to 60 pounds and it felt hard just doing 10 reps.

Back:I started on Straight Arm Pulldown and with 30 kilos I done 15 warm-up reps.  I then got onto Lat Pulldowns with hands facing each other (I think it’s neutral grip), and with 105 pounds done 12 reps.  The weight was put up to 135 pounds and I put effort into another 10 reps.

I then got a 70 pound Dumbbell and knelt on a bench to do 10 reps of Dumbbell Rows each hand.

Quadriceps:There wasn’t much effort put into this because I wasn’t feeling energetic today so, I done less strenuous exercises.  I started on Leg Extensions with 50 pounds and done 15 reps.  Weight was lifted to 100 pounds and I done 12 more reps.

I then got onto Horizontal Machine Leg Press and with 200 pounds on it, done 20 reps.

Leg Extension once again was sought out again with 100 pounds but this time I was looser for another 12 reps.

Hamstrings:Starting on Standing Leg Curl, I put it up to 20 pounds and curled 12 reps per leg.  I then done seated Leg Curls and with 100 pounds done 15 reps.  I put the weight up to 130 pounds and done another controlled 15 reps.
Biceps:I started with 30 pounds on Barbell Curls and done 12 reps.  I then jumped onto Standing Cable Curls and put it up to 40 Kilo to do 12 more reps.  I then got a 60 pound fixed Barbell and done another 12 reps on Barbell Curls.
Abdominals:Body-parts like this are easy to train hard and I done 2 sets of Ab Crunches and tensed on the last set.  I had 20 pounds and done 2 sets of 20 reps.
Warm-down:I done a warm-down for around 6 minutes and burnt around 10 calories but I was going slow.  I only did it because I told Keith to do it, and I was finishing anyway.

Today I had a lot to eat after my workout.  I have a big meal now consisting of half a liter of Milk(Shake), 2 Fish sandwiches and a meat pie.

Today I weighed 72.5 kilos, and tomorrow I am going to weigh a bit more. 

My weight is now going up again and soon it will be to 75 kilos and more again.

After that I stayed at my house for a while listening to music.

Visit Berenice With Dina

Then around 6:00 pm I went to the shops to ring Rory.  Keith was on his phone.  I told them to pick me up from Berenice’s house.

I went to Berenice’s house.  Dina turned up there.  I was with Dina who came back with me from her house to Berenice’s.

Dina, Berenice’s brother and I traveled to Dina’s house to get her CD player so they could listen to music.

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

Bin Runs With Keith And Rory

On the way back I called Rory and Keith was on the phone.

At first, after Rory picked me up, we lined the back of Pizza Hut up with oil.  Rory, Simon and Keith were driving their cars into the oil, smoking up their tires on it.

We went to Caltex and met up with Bình.  He was in a courtesy car, so we went on an Otto bin run.  We ended up smashing 3 cars with Otto bins.  One was in Campbelltown opposite the old church where Lance lives.  It was a Corolla or something.  Me and Keith lifted up a small empty bin and threw it into the new car and smashed the whole back side of it to bits.

We went past it three times to see it with 3 cars.  The Otto bin was broken in two and in the middle of the street, so the people didn’t know about it.

I don’t want to go into more detail because I am sleepy and trying to keep this short, so I’ll go now and see you tomorrow.

My next sunny day I have to go to gridiron.

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