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Getting Onto Sigourney After Gym Session – Mad Chaos: November 27, 1996

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Job Search In CES With Keith

Today I got woken up at 10:00 am by Keith asking if I wanted to go down to CES to look for a job with him.  I told him to ring me in about an hour, and then I would go with him.

I got up a bit after that and had a shower.  Keith came over to take us to Campbelltown.

The Lidcombe Job

employment study

When I got there I found an interview that is in Lidcombe for a traineeship.  I am going to cancel on the opportunity for the reason that the woman there asked me if I wanted to do any cleaning up work at the Sydney Entertainment Center for the next few days.

They pay $12 an hour – which is good money. 

I need the money so I am going to go ask the woman if she can sign me up for it.

The problem is that it is night shift.  I’d have to catch a bus for an hour back home.  Just 5 hours there a night will make me $60. That’s alright if I want to get my carousel CD player.

So tomorrow I am going to the CES to try to get that job.  If the woman isn’t there, then I am going to ring up the center and ask there.

Bump Into Sigourney

At the CES I met a girl that went to my school called Sigourney.  She seemed interested in me at the time, so I got her phone number to call her after my workout.

Keith drove me home from CES.

Gym Routine

I then had a sunbake in the backyard.  I sunbaked 3 times in intervals of around 30 minutes each.  I am not burnt but I did get a little redder.


Gym was next on the Agenda and the workout today was a good one respectively.

Warm-up:I warmed up on the bike but after I did 2 sets for the Abs because the bikes were taken up.  We got there on peak time of around 6:00 p.m.

I done a set of Crunches with no weight and doing 15 reps and then done a set on Machine Ab Crunches with 150 pounds doing 15 reps.

The bikes were free now and I rode for 5 minutes burning 40 calories.

Chest:Today I started on Peck Deck a little heavier with 50 pounds for warm-up and managed to do 15 reps.

I was sweating already when I got onto Bench Press.  The weight was put to 100 pounds for that warm-up and I done 10 reps.  Keith came to spot me for 140 pounds, a new weight for me in a while and I actually got out 10 reps by myself and my grip was slipping to the outside.

Keith pushed me to do that weight again and if he wasn’t there then I probably wouldn’t have tried.  This time I managed to get 6 reps out with a bit of spotting from Keith on the last rep and then I dropped it on my Chest for a 7th rep and gave it all I had but Keith lifted it up mostly on me.

I was fucked after that and I still moved to Seated Machine Bench Press and on 140 pounds managed around 8 reps with a spot or two.

 Back:The workout prior to this had me pumped up and I got on Seated Cable Rows with 50 pounds and I done 12 reps.  The weight was put up to 110 pounds and I done 10 more reps before putting weight down.

Then I went to Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns and with 105 pounds, done 12 reps to the front.  The next weight was 120 pounds and I done 12 more reps with that and the back was pumped but not as much as I wanted it to be.

Quadriceps:I was going to stay light on the lower body but somehow I once again went heavy.  Starting on Hack Squats, I did my warm-up of 80 pounds and 12 reps.

Jumping onto Leg Extensions and the weight on 100 pounds, I pumped out 15 reps.  The weight was put up to 150 pounds and once again I done a controlled 15 reps.

This is when the heavy shit came in on Leg Press loading the rack with 320 pounds and doing 12 reps pretty easily.

Next Leg workout I am raising the weight more on this exercise.

Hamstrings:This was pretty basic with 2 sets on Seated Leg curls with 150 pounds and doing 12 reps.  Weight popped up to 180 pounds and I again done 12 reps.

Last set was done on Bent Lying Leg curl and with 150 pounds, done 10 reps.

Biceps:Warming up with 25 pounders and doing 12 reps I popped out 40 pounders and managed to do 8 reps each hand before I completely conked out and handed in the towel to go home.

That was a good workout.  It would have been better if I got some food after that but I didn’t.

Making Out With Sigourney

After my workout we picked up Sigourney.  Rory came with us.  We went in his car to Pizza Hut for a while.  He cashed up.


Then we went to my house where I got onto Sigourney.  The thing is I got onto her and she was getting onto me, but she was shy and scared.  She made it clearish she didn’t want to go all the way, but you have to test the waters to see if she is being serious.

The only thing we did was just kissed a lot.  I got her top off but she pulled me off.  I got the feeling she was getting scared so I backed off because I didn’t want it to look like I was forcing her to do something with me.

Pizza Hut With Keith And Simon

We then drove to Campbelltown.  Keith came with us.  Rory split on us because Palmer got bashed by his dad and he went to pick him up.

Keith drove the girls home and we went to Pizza Hut where William was.  We went for deliveries with Simon.  After a delivery Keith and Tamsen went home.

Simon cashed up.

Stealing Dress Rims

We drove to Ruse.  I stole him some dress rims off a car.  It was pretty simple to do really.

I got taken home around 12:00 am.

Planning Ahead

I want to go to sleep earlier tonight after I eat, so I can wake up for CES tomorrow.  I might get my resume redone.

If I get this job then I can get another reference from the guy.  If it is a good reference then I’m set.

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