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Struggling with Working Out – Mad Chaos: July 17, 1996

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Post Workout Aches

After I wrote my last entry I had a bit of a sleep, and then woke up to go to the gym.  I was actually thinking of not going, but after my little nap, I got up and decided to go.

My energy was there but I was lacking the strength to do a good workout.  My workout lacked depth, probably because I had a big workout yesterday for my legs.

Speaking of that workout, My Calves are aching pretty bad, and they haven’t been sore for ages.  Also hurting are my hamstrings and my gluteal region also aches, probably from the variation on the Seated Machine Leg Press.  My Quads only hurt a bit and they are getting bigger.

After today’s workout my triceps already hurt, with only a little ache in my Chest.

Gym Routine


Here’s the workout.

Warmup:I used the bike and done 4 minutes and lost 40 calories going at a steady pace all the way through.  I knew I was in trouble when I didn’t even sweat on the bike.  I started doing stretches for the Chest and Triceps.
Chest:I started on the Peck Deck and done 2 sets on it.  I started on 50 pounds and done 15 reps with correct breathing patterns.  I then adjusted the seat higher and done 12 more reps with 80 pounds.


I then moved onto Cable Crossovers and done one set with 30 pounds each side and doing 12 reps standing up.  I then pushed over to Dumbbell Bench Press and started on 45 pound Dumbbells and doing 10 full reps.  I could still feel my muscle stretching so I got up and stretched it some more.  I then put the weight up to 60 pound Dumbbells and done 5 reps and put the weight down unsatisfied.  I then dropped weight down to 55 pound Dumbbells and done correct breathing and done 4 reps and then this guy came and helped me out with my set and I done another 3 more reps with his help.

I then jumped onto the Dips and done 5 reps and stopped due to tiredness.  I made the rack longer for my arms and done 5 more reps.  I then went onto the assisted version and put on 50 pounds and done 10 reps.  I actually started sweating a bit when I done the next set and assisted with 60 pounds doing 10 more reps.

I done 3 more sets on Machine Bench Press and started on 130 pounds.  I actually done 6 or so reps and then assisted myself and couldn’t even get 2 more reps helping myself.  I put the weight down to 60 pounds and with that done 20 reps slowly and correctly breathing.  I done one more set with 110 pounds and 8 reps.

Triceps:I started on Machine Lying Triceps Extensions and done one set with 30 pounds and done 10 reps.


I decided to get tough so I went and tried 2 sets on the Pulldowns.  The first set was with a bent bar and I started on 40 pounds and done 10 reps.

I then went to the straight bar and done another 10 reps with 50 pound on the stack.  I then decided to do a new exercise that I have not done for about a year.

I done Seated Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions.  My first set was with 25 pounds and I done 10 reps just to test the weight.  I then leaped up to 35 pound and done 10 more reps with ease.  I pushed the weight up to 40 pounds and I done 9 reps before I conked out on this exercise.  This exercise made my arms look big when I was doing my reps.

I done one last set of Rope Pulley Overhead Triceps Pullovers and with 30 pounds I done 10 hard reps.  I had to warm up with 10 pounds at first because I couldn’t extend the arms more than a couple of centimeters.

Abdominals:I started with Crunches and I haven’t done this body-part for a while now.  I done 20 reps with no weight and then I got 20 pounds and done 20 more reps.  After a minute of waiting I proceeded with 20 pounds doing 20 reps.


I then took the weight off and done Side Crunches for a set of 20 reps.

After that I jumped on the Cables and done Cable Side Crunches for 2 sets.  I started with 35 pounds and done 10 reps.  I then put the weight up to 45 pounds and done 10 more reps barely finishing.

Warm-down:I got onto the bike and the usual 2 minutes and 10 calories.

Dietary Plan

It is 11:03 now and I am still to have my 3rd and last meal of the day.  It will put me over the 4000 calorie mark.

Planning Ahead

Tomorrow I will ring numbers for a place with a Sauna and also the Sydney Aquatic Center because they were on TV not too long ago, and they had a sick gym there.  You can only go there if you have a booking so, I’ll be glad to book for later on this fortnight, maybe for the new program.

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First diary entry for July 18, 1996. Meal Plan, Visit…