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Arms & Legs Day In Club Lime Gym – Mad Chaos: July 7, 2022

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This morning, once I gave Ria a lift to the train station, I drove to McDonald’s to purchase two large cappuccinos with full cream milk.  I would have one cup of coffee in the car drive home, and save one cup of coffee to have later in the day.  

Yesterday I weighed 92.1 kilos before I jogged on the treadmill and weighed 91.3 kilos on the scales once I hopped off.  Today I fluctuated between within those two numbers.

Gym Session – Arms & Legs Day

This morning I came to Club Lime Gym at 11am. The first thing I did was 7 minutes on the treadmill, working up a small jog.

Then I started on Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curls for up to 15 kilograms on each dumbbell for 3 sets. I moved onto Standing Preacher Curls with 10 kilograms on each side of the bar, 20 kilograms all up.  I did Standing Preacher Curls with 20 kilograms for 1 set.  Then I moved onto Standing Cable Curls for 1 set with 21.25 kilograms.

From biceps I moved onto abdominals and lats.  I came onto Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns to the back with a maximum 25 kilograms.  

I also did Cable Kneeling Crunch from the top of the cable stack downwards to the floor. It feels like prayer ab crunches. I used 25 kilos for my second set.  I alternated for a third set on both Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns and the Cable Kneeling Crunches.

Teachers, Students, Schools, Language Partners, all in the one community. Jiaoyu Community.

When I finished those sets, I did Seated Cable Rows on a machine for 3 sets with a maximum 40 kilos.  

Then I moved onto the Leg Press Machine, which started with 40 kilos. That was easy.  Then I moved onto 70 kilos. I don’t feel any pain in my thigh,  There is still a twitch there from the nerves. The twitch has actually been there for a long time before I got the big injury in my thigh.  I think this is a historical injury to my right outer thigh IT band.  

Then I done 2 sets of seated elevated ab crunches on the Hanging Leg Raises Chair. I could get 15 reps done without feeling a twinge.  

After that I moved to a Leg Curl with a maximum 12.5 kilos for 3 sets.

After I finished my sixth and final set for abs, then I moved back to treadmill. I jogged for 20 minutes.

ExerciseSets / RepsMaximum Weight
Treadmill7 minutes 
Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curls3 x 1015 kg
Standing Preacher Curls1 x 1020 kg
Standing Cable Curls1 x 1021.25 kg
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns3 x 1025 kg
Seated Cable Rows3 x 1040 kg
Cable Kneeling Crunch3 x 1225 kg
Hanging Leg Raises Chair3 x 15 
Leg Press Machine2 x 1070 kg
Leg Curl3 x 1012.5 kg
Treadmill20 minutes 

The time was 12:20pm when I called it a day. I have been in Club Lime Gym for over an hour.

Taking Progress Photos

In the gym change rooms I took progress photos.  I have developed a habit of taking progress photos of myself after each gym session.  I found that, yes, I’m starting to get my shape back.  The stomach however needs a lot of work to be trimmed down to the washboard abs I used to have in my glory days.

I always have these compact shoulders, nice big triceps and biceps.  My chest sits high, and is quite buff in a semi circle area from my outer middle chest, to the inner lower portion of my chest.  The outside of my chest appears big enough that it pushes in front of my biceps and forces my shoulders up into a higher arc.  

My chest doesn’t get big like an Arnold Schwarzenegger chest. It doesn’t have that kind of filled, rectangular shape.

Daily Nutritional Intake

From the gym I came to Coco Cubano in Macarthur Square.  In Coco Cubano, I bought myself a peach mango iced tea with diced mango and mint leaves. I didn’t want to consume too many calories today.  I had a working lunch in Coco Cubano until 1:50pm.  

Coco Cubano Peach Mango Iced Tea Large Cappuccino

I also purchased a takeaway large cappuccino with full cream milk.  Then I made my way back home.

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