
Month: November 2017

Cultural Differences: Public Places – China vs The West

One of the first things many Westerners notice in China is the large crowds. This post will compare characteristics of public spaces in the West and East.

中澳文化差异: 中西工作文化

工作加班文化 悉尼的列车行业最近禁止员工额外有偿加班。因为澳洲的工作场所规定任何工人只要每天工作超过8小时,所工作的公司就要支付额外小时数的加班工资,而公司发现这样支付加班费太贵了。 在中国的文化中,无偿加班是一种潜规则性的要求。

Cultural Differences: Chinese vs Western Work Culture

Chinese working conditions differ greatly to the West. In this post, learn about overtime pay & expectations, work/life balance, Chinese bosses, and more.

Buddhism And The Highest Form Of Happiness

The Facts With Buddhism With Buddhism, I started to understand that Buddhism deals in facts. Everything else is changeable. I started to think about this…