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A Disciplined Month Of Socials – Mad Chaos: October 19, 2003

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The Shadow Of A Writer

As the writer frowns on sleeplessness, he caresses instead an environment, whose words now come at a premium.

Years of evolution in these memoirs have forced the writer to become obsolete, and so to produce becomes a nuisance because effort has become too inflated.

I used to value the innocence of under-performance, but now consciousness presents these memoirs, and its chore makes for a disincentive.

Schizophrenia had its part to play as well – and also the lack of subject matter – but constant inflation of practices was the injurious precursor to round down the writer, to now be the shadow of what it once was.

Visited Imad

Life otherwise passes without incident as usual.

I visited Imad on the twelfth last weekend and we bonded around the computer and a game of chess.  I drank as he was stoned, possibly to pass the time, since he lost his job and no longer works.

Constant petty arguments epitomized the last month of his love relationship because Imad would lose more employed positions faster than he could find them   Now Anatolia is unemployed as well however, which sees them like me, count days.

Hanging Out With Tatton And Shawn

A small social occasion also occurred with Tatton and Shawn last weekend as well.

I was resolved to avoid them and done so for over a month because it saved money and allowed a faster recovery.  I showed discipline, and it led me to current circumstances, where in three days, the outstanding telephone bill will have been paid.

I have a balanced credit card as well, so the sacrifices were worthwhile to see this vision through.

A Disciplined Month

Overall, this month has been disciplined.

I visited the gym up to four times a week and piloted a new diet to pass time.

In a few days or weeks I will be online as a reward.

When there is surplus money, perhaps a trip into the city will break this long drought of abstinent years.

Perhaps this renaissance will be a catalyst for the writer to become biographic, but perhaps the effort is no longer necessary.

I have wings too far spread for them to be clipped now, and so perhaps the status quo and its premium is more convenient to remain.

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