
Tag: freedom

Cultural Differences: Personal Freedom In China vs The West

As kids grow into adults, they desire more freedoms. In some cultures, this is given to them and in others, it isn’t. This post explains more about this.

Cultural Differences: Married To Your Job In Australia (铁饭碗)

A common and critical saying in Australia is that you are ‘married to your job’. Get first-hand insight into how this applies in Eastern vs Western cultures.

Cultural Differences: Travel Barriers – East vs West

The requirements to obtain a visa and travel permit differ between countries. Learn what obstacles Chinese people face in their quest to travel abroad.

Random Musings Of The Recluse – Mad Chaos: August 5, 2001

Diary entry for August 5, 2001. Gravity In Sports, Individual Freedom, Right State Of Mind, Happiness, God’s Boundary, and more. Diary of a Mad Chaos – Longest Online Diary