cool fashion casual men outfit on wooden table

Clothes Shopping for my New Image – Mad Chaos: August 11, 1996

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Today was full of fun and excitement.  I haven’t been out on a Sunday so early in a while.

I went to sleep last night just before 1:00 am and got up at 10:00 am.  That was good for me.

I got up, read the paper, and had a bit of breakfast.  Then I put on my bandanna and some clothes, and went out.

Visit Imad

I first went to Dina’s house to see if Imad was there.  As usual he wasn’t there.  Imad was with Dina at her grandmother’s house.  I talked to Dina’s sister.  She was going to work.

Woodbine Sports Stores With Tatton

I then went off to Tatton’s house.  He was still in his pajamas at 11:00 am looking like shit, waving someone goodbye from his house.  He got dressed.

We went down to the sports store near Woodbine Macers to look around.  I found some interesting things including Nike sweatpants for under $50 each, pants, and a cool jacket for $150.  I then left because they didn’t have Bandannas.

We went to see Angel but she wasn’t home so, we went to Campbelltown.

Campbelltown With Tatton

In Campbelltown we first went to the sports fitness shop where they sell supplements.  I took some free samples and 3 muscle books from them.

I had a good old chat with everyone today down at the shopping centers.  We then went all around the Mall looking for bandannas.  We didn’t find any name brands.

Tatton left then because he didn’t want to go to the Macarthur Mall.

Solo Shopping In Campbelltown

Alone in Campbelltown, I looked at glasses worth $280 that hug my face.  I wanted to buy them.  This girl kept walking past the shop looking in at me.

Then this guy came past and said that the girl likes me. 

I said, “That’s good,” while I was talking nice to this nice person, not chatting her up.

The glasses were E/lens something/Gold or something like that and they looked pretty good on me.  For $280 dollars they’d better look good.

I saw Aubree and Celeste at Campbelltown.  I said hello to Celeste and then Aubree.  Aubree was angry with me.  So really I’m laughing at her in my mind.  Then I ask, “Are you angry with me” in a querying voice.  She says “Yes.”  I looked good though because that girl that liked me was coming up to me.

The New Image

This is what I am buying for my new Image.

Nike Sweatpants(3)$150
Nike Sweat Jumpers(2)$150
Nike shoes(1)$200
Nike Bandanna’s(2)$50
Nike Hat(1)$30
Nike socks(4)$40
Bodybuilding cut shirts(4)$100
E/Frame glasses – (maybe) $280

All that and a bit more will cost me about $800 close to the one thousand dollar mark.  I don’t think I’ll get it on my money, so a job’s in order.  I’m now going to go for factory work.

This new image for me is going to be a good one and a chick magnet at that.  The glasses made me look like a different person and the new hairdo will be sensational.

Drop Things Off At Home

I went home to drop off my shit and then went to Nina’s house.  I wanted to talk to her about Kathryn but she wasn’t home and I don’t think I’ll get to tell her unless she calls me up.

After that I rode to Macarthur and Jett’s house going at a speed of 69.4 Km/h down the hospital road.  Jett wasn’t home so I went to Macarthur, locked my bike up and walked in.

Shopping In Macarthur Square

At Macarthur Square I did the same and looked for bandannas.

I saw Damien’s old woman and she gave me the best help.  She told me she would be back next Thursday or Sunday coming up so she can give me some info.

I went to see someone down at Macarthur about my hair in one of the salons.  She gave me some information and that my hair only grows 1 or so inches a month.

So my hair will be long enough for my new look by the end of this year.  That is my long term goal for the end of this year – to get my new clothes and look and set a new trend for me.

My short term goal is for me to gain half a kilo a day in my new program and weigh about 75 kilos or 76 kilos before this program is over.

Hopefully these muscle books will give me back an edge towards my body building and the free samples will help my caloric supplementing.

Planning Ahead

Tomorrow is another hectic day for me.

First off, I have to go to the CES as soon as I get up.  Then I have to go and get the shopping with the olds done.  At the same time I have to see the Post Office about fast delivery.  I then come home and do the Gym.  Then I go to the Solarium and work on my tan a bit.

I’ll have more to do tomorrow but, I’ll just have to wait for it to come.

This extra day of rest has been good on me, but I really haven’t rested from the bicycle riding I did all day, where I got my best speed so far.

I have a new pretty big Arnold Schwarzenneger poster from these new muscle books and I’m going to stick it up soon.

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Second diary entry for August 11, 1996. Good Chat with…